Sunday, May 24, 2009

I've been doing pretty well getting wedding things accomplished lately. I wrote before about the "wedding funk" I was in. There wasn't really anything that jump-started my desire to finish planning this shindig, but there was definitely a sense of urgency resulting from the "HOLY CRAP FOUR MONTHS" realization I came to. There is so much to do with four months to go until the day, so it was important that I get my butt in gear.

This weekend was supposed to be the florist weekend, but the florist meeting I had got postponed until next weekend. Plus, my sister (who is my maid of honor) was in town. She is the one who designed the save-the-dates, so it was only fitting that we go to the invitation place to pick out our invitations instead!

My ideas about the invitations have been through many iterations. I initially was dead set on pocket invitations. I still love them. I just love how they have the inserts arranged all pretty within the invitation. I looked into them though, and for what I was wanting, they were really just too expensive. I probably still could have had them if I had compromised on some things, like the paper, and instead of having them made to make them myself, but I didn't.

We ended up designing a really pretty invitation that allowed me to use all the pretty iridescent papers that I loved. Instead of a pocket, it's just a long rectangular invite, but instead of having a 5x7 size that I've seen a lot, we made one that was long and skinny, more like 4x11. The best part about this design is we can use the graphic my sister made! I really love that graphic and I am really pleased we worked the whole thing in.

So yeah, we have the order put in! The proofs should be done in a week or so, so once we approve them, they will be printed. I am really excited! The design details will have to wait until the invitations actually hit the mail. Next week...the florist appointment. Hopefully I will have figured out an idea of what I want by then.

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