Monday, August 24, 2009

Things I have not thought about or done yet:
  1. written the ceremony
  2. decided on the programs
  3. made labels for the jam
  4. picked vows
  5. selected cake buffet flavors
  6. found a makeup artist
  7. had a second meeting with the caterer
  8. decided on table numbers vs. table names
  9. picked the beer list
  10. gotten possession of my dress
  11. tracked down the last RSVP stragglers
  12. done table assignments


Thursday, August 6, 2009

For all those wedding guests who are still looking for lodging for our wedding:

I just recently discovered that a hotel near our venue offers discounts to people who have weddings at our venue. I reserved a block of rooms, but in order to take advantage of the discounted price, you need to book your room by August 19, 2009. Please visit our wedding website for instructions on booking.

If you know of anyone else who doesn't pop in to the blog, and might need lodging, please let them know!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We made our favors this weekend! It was a lot of work, but ultimately I am very pleased with them. I really didn't want to do any favors unless they either meant something to us, or were specially made for us. Too often I have gone to weddings that give you something that is nice, but ultimately useless. Thus, food favors are a definite must.

We started with a bunch of strawberries:

Mashed them up (my favorite part!):

Added some sugar and pectin and cooked them for awhile...

Prepped some wee tiny jars for jam receptacles:

Filled them with jam:

Cleaned the jars off:

Lined them up on a tray:

And created a small army of cute little jam jars!

I'm really happy with how they turned out. The jam was delicious too! Hopefully our guests like the favors!

(Don't worry, we did process the jars. I just forgot to take photos.)