Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm still totally uninspired for bloggy topics. So, here's a meme. I got tagged by Emily at Starting in the Basement. I miss Emily, Portland needs to give her a job so she can come back here. The rules were to post five things you love about yourself and five things you hate. However, I hate tagging people, so if you want to do this meme too, feel free.

Love me don't
  1. I hate my inability to work out. I get depressed when I think that I'm not going to be all buff for my wedding (when have I been buff in my life? never.), but I can't force myself to go to the gym. I have some gym disconnect.
  2. I get irritated very easily. I yell too much at incompetent drivers, I flip people off at will, I will go on and on about how something pisses me off. I think I need to learn a little zen.
  3. I have champagne tastes on a beer budget. This is a problem when i want too many things.
  4. I am incapable of making small talk without some sort of boozy confidence.
  5. I can be incredibly lazy about some things. I have a necklace I want to return to Banana Republic that I've had for two weeks now. I still haven't returned it. I work in the same building as Banana Republic. I am that lazy.
Love me do
  1. I think I am a very thoughtful person. I always try to remember birthdays and other special occasions.
  2. I like my hair, mostly. It's naturally straight and silky.
  3. I'm an excellent baker and pretty decent cook.
  4. I have an excellent work ethic.
  5. I can laugh at myself. I find myself hilarious.
And with that, I'm all inspiration'ed out. This list was harder than I thought it would be!

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